Village of
Water & Sewer Utilities
DPW Supt. Adam Lechner, and Asst. Supt. Troy Kemmel, are operators of the Village Water and Sewer Facilities. You may contact them with a question or concern e.g. water bubbling out of the ground. Supt. Lechner 920-583-6700, Asst. Supt. 920-948-5030, email:
If you have a billing question, contact Clerk-Treasurer Kathryn Hull at 920-583-4087, email:

Payments may be mailed to Village of Brownsville, P.O. Box 308 Brownsville WI 53006 or dropped of at the clerk's office 871 Main St., there is a slot in the clerk's door for payments after hours (use the south parking lot side, thru first set of glass doors).
WHEAP Benefits Division of Energy, Housing and Community
*Depends on funding and application acceptance.*
Village of Brownsville Sewer & Water Utilities
Meters are read quarterly for billing. Bills are issued quarterly and become due and payable upon issuance following the period for which service is rendered. A late payment charge of 3 percent will be added to bills not paid within 20 days of issuance/due date. This one-time 3 percent late payment charge will be applied only to any unpaid balance for the current billing period’s usage. Unless payment or satisfactory arrangement for payment is made within the next 10 days, service may be disconnected pursuant to Wis. Admin. Code ch. PSC 185. Charges may be applied for re-connection. Delinquent amounts owed by the customer may be levied as a tax/lien as provided in Section 66.069 WI Statutes and Section 66.0809 of WI State Statutes, contact the clerk at 920-583-4087 for detailed information.
Payments not honored by Financial Institution shall be assessed a $20.00 charge when a payment rendered for utility service is not honored by the customer’s financial institution.
Rates as 1/20/25: (There was NO increase in 2023 or 2024)

RATES FOR WATER SERVICE: (2025 Increase 4.1%)
Quarterly Service Charge
5/8-inch meter $46.39
1-inch meter $53.01
2-inch meter $109.34
Plus Volume Charges:
First 30,000 gal. used each qtr.$6.30 per 1,000 gal.,
next 170,000 gal. used each qtr. $6.18 per 1,000 gal.,
over 200,000 gal. used per qtr. $5.08 per 1,000 gal.
(additional meter size charges available on request)
RATES FOR SEWER SERVICE: (2025 Increase 5%)
Sewer charges are based on volume of water/meter used.
Quarterly Service Charge: $30.35 plus volume charges of
$9.29 per 1,000 gal. used each qtr.
This information is subject to change or correction.